NatarajaSince 1987, Eastern Sun Yoga Studio has provided instruction in classical yoga, adhering to the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. The approach is vigorous and precise and focuses on the balance between strength and flexibility. Practice develops body awareness, balance and concentration, while improving physical and mental well-being.

Upcoming Classes & Workshops

What Yoga Practice Can Do

There are few things in life that hold us in the present moment for a sustained time. Stringing one moment after the other constitutes what is called time.

Our yoga practices are about training our mind’s attention to a singular, quiet, and still place and maintaining that focus and stillness l.2. This practice of present awareness is the goal of our practices in asana, pranayama, and meditation, and taking this state of being into all we live in our lives and our relationships.

The benefits are our ability to quiet ourselves physically-inwardly and outwardly- as we learn to relax our bodies. Breathing is more rhythmic and free, the mind quieter and thoughts are slowed, not rushing forward. The systems of the body, including the nervous system are more balanced and at ease. We have to learn to do this, to bring ourselves to a place of well-being. And it does take the will. And the desire to feel good and along the way great appreciation and respect for our mind and our body.

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra lll.53. Mr. Iyengar comments on the idea of being in the present. In his unique style of teaching, he brought students to the present moment by demanding their undivided attention. Which is present awareness. His style of teaching and what he wanted for his students was in this oneness in a yoga asana, for the student to feel present, clear, alive, and all parts of one’s being integrated. This spiritual dimension is the feeling of connection to something greater than ourselves and a sense of unity with all life.

There are countless ways to bring ourselves to moments of oneness and wholeness. As yoga students, we have chosen the practices of yoga and all its tools, supports, and guidance as ways to practice to take care of our physical and mental health and keep us connected to our spiritual Self.

I feel great appreciation for getting to teach and to continue practicing and learning this subject of yoga that asks me to be the best I can be and not so hard on myself when I’m not. I thank each of you for showing up to share our yoga practices together because we value what we can learn and be from yoga. And we have a community that supports and uplifts us when we do.

See you in class,

Much love, Lou

Fall Series 2024

October 8 – November 30

8 Weeks, $160 for the Series, $25 for Individual Classes

Holiday Mini-Series

December 3-21

More to Come! 

Eastern Sun Yoga Studio, 3534 Forrest, Memphis, TN 38122 | Contact Lou Hoyt at [email protected] | Map